Tech Details for FP and UFT Client Communication

The communication between the Focal Point machine and UFT Client is the most important element of the entire automatic solution to run testset.


There are some initial configuration to do on the FP machine and on UFT Clients. The first step, mandatory, is the clean installation of the ALM .Net Client on both type of machine; there is an msi installation file to run.



FP Configuration

There are other some regedit settings to do as recommend in this article . You can see here an extract:


Win OS Type 

Registry Key



32 bit

<HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\RemoteDesktop_SuppressWhenMinimized



64 bit

<HKEY_CURRENT_USER>\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\RemoteDesktop_SuppressWhenMinimized





Known Issue – “mstsc” closing process: We notice a Terminal Server issue that close the mstsc session after the script that choose the client and perform the RDP connection. The problem is on execution phase because it seems no rdp session is active. The error tells you that "is impossible to start the server process. the configuration identity is not correct. Verify username and password". This was caused by the Java version (1.8.0_191) use to run the slave jenkins service on the Focal Point machine. To solve the problem we need to run the Jenkins Service on the FP through the java.exe version 1.8.0_171. So the right java version to run it is the 1.8.0_171 




UFT Client Configuration


On this type of client there is a specific UFT configuration to do to allow the continue the test if the terminal is locked or disconnect. These are the steps:


  1. login to the client with the user that will be used to access
  2. Open UFT
  3. navigate trough the menù to Tools > Options...
  4. From the first tab "General" select the "Run Sessions" entry
  5. Select on the right the Checkbox "Enable continued testing on locked/disconnect remote computers."
  6. insert domainname\username and password 
  7. click on "Check Connection" - Expected Result: "Verified"
  8. click OK
  9. Close UFT





Using WMI query you could face in some issue. In particular you can get error instantiating the objWMIService with this operation:


Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & clientname & "\root\cimv2")


where "clientname" is the name of the UFT Client to verify.


If you get the error the causes could be these:

  1. the client is switch-off/offline
  2. the user that try to perform the instruction has not the administration grant (see the WMI documentation)
  3. network problem: port 135 must be open because it is an EndPoint Mapper and also the ports greater then 1024. We see that often the communication between the FocalPoint and the UFT Clients is estabilished on ports > 48000/50000.