Report consists of a unique excel sheet with these informations:
Before extract information about test executions and linked bugs it's very important to understand which are the relations between objects. Here are the hierarchy of the objects:
Data Extraction - Summary:
Implementation on the Product
See the WorkFlow Script Editor to know how to create a custom button.
Suppose the Action linked to the button is actReportRunDefect.
1. We'll insert into the ActionCanExecute the call to the main Sub into TestLab.
Function ActionCanExecute(ActionName)
On Error Resume Next
Dim Res
Res = True
if ActionName = "actReportRunDefect" then
'Call to Sub under TestLab
end if
ActionCanExecute = Res
On Error Goto 0
End Function
2. Into TestLab section put the main Sub TestSet_ReportRunDefect
Sub TestSet_ReportRunDefect
On Error Resume Next
Dim objXLS, objWkb, objWks, i
Dim myTestSetList, myListaIstanze
Dim varRes, arrRes, j, col
'Check if focus is on a folder otherwise quit
'Use the global object objFold_TL.
'This object must be declared in common module
'and put this code into the event MoveToFolder:
' set objFold_TL = Folder
'and this one in ExitModule (common)
'and this one in TestSet_MoveTo (TestLab):
' set objFold_TL = Nothing
if objFold_TL.IsNull then
msgbox "I don't have the focus on the folder. Select a Folder.", vbCritical + vbSystemModal, "Quality Center - Folder Focus Error"
exit sub
end if
'If I'm here it means that the check of the folder is ok
'Excel Objects Creation.
set objXLS = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objXLS.Visible = False
set objWkb = objXLS.Workbooks.Add
set objWks = objWkb.Worksheets(1)
'Rename the sheet
objWks.Name = "Report Exec and Bug"
'Header of the columns
objWks.Cells(1,1).Value = "Path"
objWks.Cells(1,2).Value = "TestSet"
'The 3rd column is empty
objWks.Cells(1,4).Value = "Number of Test"
objWks.Cells(1,5).Value = "Passed"
objWks.Cells(1,6).Value = "Failed"
objWks.Cells(1,7).Value = "No Run"
objWks.Cells(1,8).Value = "Not Completed"
objWks.Cells(1,9).Value = "N/A"
'10th column empty
objWks.Cells(1,11).Value = "Tot Bug"
objWks.Cells(1,12).Value = "New"
objWks.Cells(1,13).Value = "Open"
objWks.Cells(1,14).Value = "Assigned"
objWks.Cells(1,15).Value = "Fixed"
objWks.Cells(1,16).Value = "Reopened"
objWks.Cells(1,17).Value = "Rejected"
objWks.Cells(1,18).Value = "Closed"
'Extract the TestSet list under the tree structure starting from the
'selected folder
set myTestSetList = objFold_TL.FindTestSets("",False,"")
'increase the row number
i = 2
'For Cycle for each TestSets and analyze them
for each elTS in myTestSetList
'1st I retrieve the TestSet folder to retrieve the path to write
'on excel file. I do this in a one instruction
objWks.Cells(i,1).Value = elTS.TestSetFolder.Path
'Write the TestSet Namein the 2nd field of the excel
objWks.Cells(i,2).Value = elTS.Name
'Retrieve the TestInstance List of the TestSet
set myListaIstanze = elTS.TSTestFactory.NewList("")
'Write the Tot Number of TestInstance of the TestSet
objWks.Cells(i,4).Value = myListaIstanze.Count
'I analyze al TestInstance callling a function that returns
'a variable with all data divided by a comma
varRes = TestSet_Analizza_ListaIstanze(myListaIstanze)
'I create the array of the result splitting the variable on the comma char.
arrRes = split(varRes,",")
'write all data into the excel file
for j = 0 to Ubound(arrRes)
'use a var col for the column that must be write
'We've put a space for the 10th column 10 so I need to add 1
'to jump it.
'When j=0 it means that column is 5 so when j = 5
'column must be increased of 1, so col = 11
if j = 5 then
col = j + 5 + 1
col = j + 5
end if
'write the information
objWks.Cells(i,col).Value = arrRes(j)
set myListaIstanze = Nothing
i = i + 1 'increase the row to write into the excel file
'save excel file
objWkb.SaveAs "c:\temp\ReportExecs_" & split(date,"/")(2) & split(date,"/")(1) & split(date,"/")(0) & "_" & split(time,":")(0) & split(time,":")(1) & ".xls"
'Close the workbook
'quit from excel application
set objWks = Nothing
set objWkb = Nothing
set objXLS = Nothing
set myTestSetList = Nothing
On Error Goto 0
End Sub
Function TestSet_Analizza_ListaIstanze(theList)
On Error Resume Next
Dim intPassed, intFailed, intNoRun, intNotComp, intNA
Dim intTotBug, intNew, intOpen, intAssigned, intFixed, intReopened, intRejected
Dim intClosed, Res
Dim RunList, UltimoRun, StepList
Dim myComm, RecSet, myBug
Res = ""
'Inizialyze all counter to 0
intPassed = 0
intFailed = 0
intNoRun = 0
intNotComp = 0
intNA = 0
intTotBug = 0
intNew = 0
intOpen = 0
intAssigned = 0
intFixed = 0
intReopened = 0
intRejected = 0
intClosed = 0
'Now I do a for cycle for each TestInstance
for each elIst in theList
'retrieve the information about the TestInstance Execution Status
select case elIst.Status
case "Passed": intPassed = intPassed + 1
case "Failed": intFailed = intFailed + 1
case "No Run": intNoRun = intNoRun + 1
case "Not Completed": intNotComp = intNotComp + 1
case "N/A": intNA = intNA + 1
end select
'retrieve the Run List of the Instance to retrieve bugs
set RunList = elIst.RunFactory.NewList("")
if RunList.Count > 0 then 'it means that at least there is a bug.
'istance of the Last Execution
set UltimoRun = elIst.LastRun
'extract the step list of the Run.
'I'm sure that at least one step has been execute because
'it is a prerequisit that Test Case have at least one Step
set StepList = UltimoRun.StepFactory.NewList("")
for each elStep in StepList
'Check if there is a bug for this step.
'I need to execute a query
set myComm = TDConnection.Command
myComm.CommandText = "Select LN_BUG_ID from LINK where " & _
'Execute the query and save the result on the RecSet
set RecSet = myComm.Execute
'Check that RecSet has some record
if RecSet.RecordCount > 0 then
'move the the first record
'I need to do a cycle for all recordset row
do while Not(RecSet.EOR)
'increase the Total Bug Counter
intTotBug = intTotBug + 1
'create Bug Object by taking the ID from the RecordSet
set myBug = TDConnection.BugFactory.Item(RecSet.FieldValue(0))
'Check Bug Status to increase counters
Select case myBug.Status
case "New": intNew = intNew + 1
case "Open": intOpen = intOpen + 1
case "Assigned": intAssigned = intAssigned + 1
case "Fixed": intFixed = intFixed + 1
case "Reopened": intReopened = intReopened + 1
case "Rejected": intRejected = intRejected + 1
case "Closed": intClosed = intClosed + 1
End Select
end if
set RecSet = Nothing
set myComm = Nothing
set StepList = Nothing
end if
set RunList = Nothing
'now I have all counters I add them to a variable to return to the function
res = str(intPassed) & "," & _
str(intFailed) & "," & _
str(intNoRun) & "," & _
str(intNotComp) & "," & _
str(intNA) & "," & _
str(intTotBug) & "," & _
str(intNew) & "," & _
str(intOpen) & "," & _
str(intAssigned) & "," & _
str(intFixed) & "," & _
str(intReopened) & "," & _
str(intRejected) & "," & _
TestSet_Analizza_ListaIstanze = Res
On Error Goto 0
End Function
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