User Creation - SiteAdmin API



User's Requirement


The need is to have an automatic procedure to create NEW users into Quality Center, linking them to a Project and give them one or more profiles (groups).



Proposed Solution


Creation of an External Procedure out of the WorkFlow Script Editor using SiteAdmin API retrieve information to create users from en Excel Sheet.


This procedure will be a .vbs file (vbscript).






Implementation OUTSIDE the Product


This time we'll not write code using Script Editor but we'll create an external vbs file as I mentioned in Proposed Solution. This proc will do these operations:

  • Create User into Quality Center
  • Link it to a Project
  • Give it Roles


These information will be retrieve from an Excel Sheet that will contains these informations:

  • UserName
  • FullName
  • E-Mail Address
  • Phone Number
  • Description
  • Password
  • Domain
  • Project
  • Roles (if more than 1 they will be separeted from a comma)


Suppose Excel FileName is myFile.xls and it is located into "c:\temp" folder.


This is the entire code:



'                            CONSTANTS DECLARATION


Const server = "http://QCAddress/qcbin"
Const user   = "qcadmin"
Const psw    = "xxxxxxx"




'                             VARIABLES DECLARATION


Dim mySaApi, XLS, Wkb, Wks, xmlCheckUsr, myXMLString, arrRole, j, i







'Retrieve the SiteAdminApi Interface

set mySaApi = CreateObject("SAClient.SAapi")


mySaApi.login server, user, psw


'Create excel object to manage excel file

set XLS = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

XLS.Visible = False

'Open excel File (suppose the file is "C:\temp\myFile.xls")

Set Wkb = XLS.Workbooks.Open("C:\temp\myFile.xls")

Set Wks = Wkb.WorkSheets(1)


'Do a loop for each row of the excel file

i = 2

do while (wks.Cells(i,1).Value <> "")


     'For each row create the new user and Add it to the Project


     'Check if User already exists
     on error resume next
     xmlCheckUsr = mySaApi.GetUser(wks.Cells(i,1).Value)
     if err.number <> 0 then
        'user does not exist. I create it.
        myXMLString = ""

        myXMLString = mySaApi.CreateUser(wks.Cells(i,1).Value, _
                                                         wks.Cells(i,2).Value, _
                                                         wks.Cells(i,3).Value, _
                                                         wks.Cells(i,4).Value, _
                                                         wks.Cells(i,5).Value, _
     end if
     on error goto 0


     '7. Add the role(s) to the user

        'Firstable I link the user to the Project

         mySaApi.AddUsersToProject wks.Cells(i,7).Value, _
                                   wks.Cells(i,8).Value, _


        'I analyze the 9th field, the Roles

        if instr(wks.Cells(i,9).Value, ",") then

           arrRole = split(wks.Cells(i,9).Value,",")

           for j=0 to ubound(arrRole)   

               'add the role to the user

               mySaApi.AddUsersToGroup wks.Cells(i,7).Value, _
                                                    wks.Cells(i,8).Value, _
                                                    arrRole(j), _

            mySaApi.AddUsersToGroup wks.Cells(i,7).Value, _
                                                 wks.Cells(i,8).Value, _
                                                 wks.Cells(i,9).Value, _
        end if


        i = i + 1




'Logout from SiteAdmin



'destroy SaApi object

set mySaApi = Nothing


'close excel file and quit excel application








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