User's Requirement
User don't have Administrator Grant cannot delete folders until the 2nd level in the TestPlan Tree Structure.
Proposed Solution
Prevent the deletion of folders if user isn't in TDAdmin group. When the user selects a folder and click the delete button it checks the tree level and allowed/not allowed the action.
Implementation on the Product
In this case it is necessary, to have a clearest code, create:
1. Decleration of objFold_TP object into the Common Module
Dim objFold_TP
2. Manage of the Object
2.1 Instance the object into the MoveToSubject Event in TestPlan Module
2.2 Destruction of the object into the ExitModule (Common) and Test_MoveTo (TestPlan)
Sub MoveToSubject(Subject)
On Error Resume Next
set objFold_TP = Subject
On Error Goto 0
End Sub
Sub ExitModule
On Error Resume Next
if ActiveModule = "Test Plan" then set objFold_TP = Nothing
On Error Goto 0
End Sub
Sub Test_MoveTo
On Error Resume Next
set objFold_TP = Nothing
On Error Goto 0
End Sub
3. Call boolean function when the delete button is pressed
Function ActionCanExecute(ActionName)
On Error Resume Next
Dim Res
Res = True
if ActionName = "act_delete_folder" then
Res = Test_bolCanDeleteFolder 'Name of the boolean function in TestPlan
end if
ActionCanExecute = Res
On Error Goto 0
End Function
'Function to introduce in TestPlan Module
Function Test_bolCanDeleteFolder
On Error Resume Next
Dim Res
Res = True
if Not(User.IsInGroup("TDAdmin")) then
'Check that we're positioned on a folder son of Subject Root
if instr(objFold_TP.Path,"\") > 0 then
if Ubound(split(objFold_TP.Path,"\")) < 2 then
Res = False
end if
'If user is positioned on Subject the deletion is forbidden
Res = False
end if
end if
if Not(Res) then
msgbox "Folder Deletion is Forbidden", vbCritical + vbSystemModal, "Quality Center - Action Forbidden"
end if
Test_bolCanDeleteFolder = Res
On Error Goto 0
End Function
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