BitBucket - How to download repository

There is a prerequisite to dowload an enterprise git repo using code scripting. You have to use a token, like a user and password, to do the request.



Now we see how to create the token. Follow this steps


Once you connect to bitbucket, go to the contextual menu of the user and select "Manage account" option



you will access to a section and in the left panel you will see different other options and have to select "Personal access tokens"



Now you'll be able to select the "Create a token" button...



You will have to compile a form in which you will have to type a name for the token and select the permissions you need.



For the expire option select "No" and click on create button


It will show you the form that confirm the token creation. You have to copy and save the information that use in the script.

Once you got the token, you'll be able to do the request.


The informations follow this structure: PROJECT - REPOSITORY - BRANCH



The script we are going to create will accept those three parameters plus one that is the output folder where the zip file will download to.


Script Code



'The request will be:



Const GIT_ROOT = ""

Const GIT_REPO_TAG  = "/repos/"

Const GIT_ARCH_REF = "/archive?at=refs%2Fheads%2F"

Const GIT_FORMAT    = "&format=zip"

Const GITTKN        = "MyU3MDkzOTAxNjBvOhldPJ4zUhLoFp1XG0iSKp5zCBRb"


'Howevere it is possible also to the request through basic authentication with username and password. 


'Const GITUSR               = "MYUSR"

'Const GITPWD               = "MYPWD"



Const RC_OK = 0

Const RC_ERR    = 3


Dim StdOut    : Set StdOut = WScript.StdOut 'Standart Output

Dim exit_code : exit_code  = RC_ERR




if wscript.arguments.count <> 4 then

WriteLine date & " - " & time & " : Arguments number error: "

WriteLine date & " - " & time & " : Arguments expected: PROJECT REPO BRANCH OUT_FOLDER(ex. c:\temp)"

WriteLine date & " - " & time & " : End of Program - Exit Code: " & exit_code


set StdOut = nothing

wscript.quit exit_code


end if




Dim fso : set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")


Dim PROJECT              : PROJECT          = wscript.arguments(0)

Dim REPO : REPO     = wscript.arguments(1)

Dim BRANCH          : BRANCH = wscript.arguments(2)

Dim OUT_FOLDER  : OUT_FOLDER = wscript.arguments(3)


if right(OUT_FOLDER,1) <> "\" then


end if


Dim intRequest : intRequest    = JRequest


if intRequest = 200 Or intRequest = 201 then

WriteLine date & " - " & time & " : DownLoad Repo OK "

exit_code = RC_OK


WriteLine date & " - " & time & " : Error during download repo - Request Return Code: " & intRequest

end if


WriteLine date & " - " & time & " : End of Program - Exit Code: " & exit_code


wscript.quit exit_code




' The JRequest function is used to do a request and return a string of the response - in this case the status of the request will returns


Function JRequest()

Dim strRes : strRes = ""

Dim strURL 



Dim HttpReq  : set HttpReq  = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")

Dim bStrm : set bStrm = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")


WriteLine date & " - " & time & " : REQUEST: " & strURL


HttpReq.Open "GET", strURL, False



'We use the token to do the request previous created in

'bitbucket in the profile section (Menage Account > Personal Access Token)


'With token - just add Authorization Header and the value: "Bearer " + token.

HttpReq.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & GITTKN




'It is also possible to use the user and password for the basic authentication

'With Basic Authentication - There are two function to do a Base 64 Encoding.


'HttpReq.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Basic "& Base64Encode(GITUSR &":"& GITPWD)




wscript.sleep 60000 'fix wait for a minute


with bStrm

.type = 1 '//binary


.write HttpReq.responseBody

.savetofile OUT_FOLDER & PROJECT & ".zip", 2

end with


strRes = HttpReq.Status


Set HttpReq = Nothing

Set bStrm   = Nothing


JRequest = strRes


End Function




'Function to manage a txt using base64 - It is used only with the basic authentication


Function Base64Encode(sText)

Dim oXML, oNode

Set oXML = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")

Set oNode = oXML.CreateElement("base64")

oNode.dataType = "bin.base64"

oNode.nodeTypedValue = Stream_StringToBinary(sText)

Base64Encode = oNode.text

Set oNode = Nothing

Set oXML = Nothing

End Function


Private Function Stream_StringToBinary(Text)

Const adTypeText = 2

Const adTypeBinary = 1


Dim BinaryStream 'As New Stream

Set BinaryStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")

BinaryStream.Type = adTypeText

BinaryStream.CharSet = "us-ascii"


BinaryStream.WriteText Text

BinaryStream.Position = 0

BinaryStream.Type = adTypeBinary

BinaryStream.Position = 0

Stream_StringToBinary = BinaryStream.Read

Set BinaryStream = Nothing

End Function


'Sub to write online Output (standard output)


Sub WriteLine(text)

    StdOut.WriteLine(text) 'output writing 

End Sub




'Destroy global objects


sub DestroyObjects()

set fso = nothing

set StdOut = nothing

End Sub



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