Function to remove HTML Tags from a string



The function below returns a string without HTML tags. This is the code:


Function strRemoveHTMLTag(strHTMLString)

        Dim rexExpression, strOutput


        'cretion of Regular Expression object

        Set rexExpression = New Regexp


        rexExpression.IgnoreCase = True
        rexExpression.Global = True

        rexExpression.Pattern = "<(.)+?>"


        'string manipulation
        strOutput = rexExpression.Replace(strHTMLString, "")

        strOutput = Replace(strOutput, "<", "")
        strOutput = Replace(strOutput, ">", "")
        strOutput = Replace(strOutput, "&quot;", """")


        'returns of the result to the function 

        strRemoveHTMLTag = "'" & strOutput


        'destruction of RegExp object

        Set rexExpression = Nothing


End Function




Pag: <<    <    >   >>