Several companies use, as mail client, Outlook of the Microsoft Office package. It is possible to manage Outlook object within the API that Microsoft provides.
Here is a sample to save the received e-mails, in text format, and the attachments.
Dim MyOL, objNS, objFolder, MyListItemsInbox, colFilteredItems, objIMail
Dim MeseRif, DataDA, DataA, AnnoRif, FolderName
Dim fso, MyFolder, Resp, PathIniziale
' .GetDefaultFolder(n) Table
'3 --> Deleted Items
'4 --> Outbox
'5 --> Sent Items
'6 --> Inbox
'9 --> Calendar
'10 --> Contacts
'11 --> Journal
'12 --> Notes
'13 --> Tasks
'16 --> Default Drafts folder
'18 --> All public folders collection
AnnoRif = inputBox ("Choose the Year ","YEAR", year(date))
if AnnoRif = "" then
end if
MeseRif = inputBox("Choose the number of the month:" & VbNewLine & VbNewLine & _
"1: Jan" & VbNewLine & _
"2: Feb"& VbNewLine & _
"3: Mar" & VbNewLine & _
"4: Apr" & VbNewLine & _
"5: May" & VbNewLine & _
"6: Jun" & VbNewLine & _
"7: Jul" & VbNewLine & _
"8: Ago" & VbNewLine & _
"9: Sep" & VbNewLine & _
"10: Oct" & VbNewLine & _
"11: Nov" & VbNewLine & _
"12: Dec", "Scelta Filtro Mese")
if MeseRif = "" then
end if
'DataDA = FromDate
'DataA = ToDate
Select Case MeseRif
Case 1:
DataDA = "12/31" & AnnoRif-1
DataA = "02/01" & AnnoRif
FolderName = "Jan_" & AnnoRif
Case 2:
DataDA = "01/31" & AnnoRif
DataA = "03/01" & AnnoRif
FolderName = "Feb_" & AnnoRif
Case 3:
DataDA = "02/28" & AnnoRif
DataA = "04/01" & AnnoRif
FolderName = "Mar_" & AnnoRif
Case 4:
DataDA = "03/31" & AnnoRif
DataA = "05/01" & AnnoRif
FolderName = "Apr_" & AnnoRif
Case 5:
DataDA = "04/30" & AnnoRif
DataA = "06/01" & AnnoRif
FolderName = "May_" & AnnoRif
Case 6:
DataDA = "05/31" & AnnoRif
DataA = "07/01" & AnnoRif
FolderName = "Jun_" & AnnoRif
Case 7:
DataDA = "06/30" & AnnoRif
DataA = "08/01" & AnnoRif
FolderName = "Jul_" & AnnoRif
Case 8:
DataDA = "07/31" & AnnoRif
DataA = "09/01" & AnnoRif
FolderName = "Ago_" & AnnoRif
Case 9:
DataDA = "08/31" & AnnoRif
DataA = "10/01" & AnnoRif
FolderName = "Sep_" & AnnoRif
Case 10:
DataDA = "09/30" & AnnoRif
DataA = "11/01" & AnnoRif
FolderName = "Oct_" & AnnoRif
Case 11:
DataDA = "10/31" & AnnoRif
DataA = "12/01" & AnnoRif
FolderName = "Nov_" & AnnoRif
Case 12:
DataDA = "11/30" & AnnoRif
DataA = "01/01" & AnnoRif+1
FolderName = "Dec_" & AnnoRif
Case else:
msgbox "Error in Month Choosing. Quit", vbCritical + vbSystemModal, "Error"
End Select
PathIniziale = "C:\Mail"
'FileSystem Management
'Mails are saved under "C:\Mail\Riceived\Year " & AnnoRif +
'monthyear folder rif
'that I create if it doesn't exist.
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Check the existence of Mail folder Mail under starting Path (PathIniziale).
'If it doesn't exist I'll create it.
if Not(fso.FolderExists(PathIniziale)) then
fso.CreateFolder PathIniziale
end if
'add the folder "\Ricevute" to PathIniziale
PathIniziale = PathIniziale & "\Ricevute"
'Check if folder exists
if Not(fso.FolderExists(PathIniziale)) then
fso.CreateFolder PathIniziale
end if
'add the yeat to PathIniziale string
PathIniziale = PathIniziale & "\Anno " & AnnoRif
'Check if it exists.
if Not(fso.FolderExists(PathIniziale)) then
fso.CreateFolder PathIniziale
end if
if Not(fso.FolderExists(PathIniziale & "\" & FolderName)) then
fso.CreateFolder PathIniziale & "\" & FolderName
end if
Set fso = Nothing
Set MyOL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objNS = MyOL.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
Set objFolder = objNS.GetDefaultFolder(6) 'InBox
Set MyListItemsInbox = objFolder.Items
Set colFilteredItems = MyListItemsInbox.Restrict("[Riceived] > '" & DataDA & "' And [Riceived] < '" & DataA & "'")
msg = ""
for i=1 to colFilteredItems.Count
set objIMail = colFilteredItems.Item(i)
on error resume next
objIMail.SaveAs PathIniziale & "\" & FolderName & "\Mail_" & objIMail.SentOnBehalfOfName & "_" & i & ".txt", olTXT
if err.number = 0 then
'Attachment Saving
set ListAtt = objIMail.Attachments
if ListAtt.Count > 0 then
for j=1 to ListAtt.Count
msg = msg & objIMail.SentOnBehalfOfName & "_" & i & vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & "#attachments: " & ListAtt.Count & vbNewLine
ListAtt.Item(j).SaveAsFile PathIniziale & "\" & FolderName & "\AttachMail_" & objIMail.SentOnBehalfOfName & "_" & i & "_" &
end if
set ListAtt = Nothing
'if Resp = vbOK then
' objIMail.Delete
'end if
end if
on error goto 0
set objIMail = Nothing
msgbox "Mail saved for the month " & FolderName & " under this path:" & vbNewLine & PathIniziale & "\" & FolderName , vbInformation + vbSystemModal, "End Program"
msgbox "Attachements has been saved for these messages: " & vbNewLine & msg,vbInformation + vbSystemModal, "Attachments Details"
Set colFilteredItems = Nothing
Set MyListItemsInbox = Nothing
Set objFolder = Nothing
Set objNS = Nothing
Set MyOL = Nothing
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