How to use Filters



The use of Filter is very useful if you need to analyze a very high number of elements of the same type. It is useful also for Prject with lots of data.


Suppose you need to analyze defects according to a specific field value.


To do this you could retrieve a list of all defects or filter it. Let's see how to use the filter.


For this example the field on which create the filter is BG_USER_01 and the value that we're looking for is "Very Urgent"


1. We need to retrieve the TDFilter object of the BugFactory

   set objBugFilter = TDConnection.BugFactory.Filter


2. Let's set the Filter

   objBugFilter.Filter("BG_USER_01") = "Very Urgent" 


3. Extract of the List   

   set objListBug = objBugFilter.NewList



At the end objListBug is the filtered List according to the Filter (BG_USER_01 = "Very Urgent"). So now you can do the standard for cycle (for each...) to analyze all the element of the list.



Another example to set a filter on the Test Name. Suppose to have some Test with the Name that starts with "Test Number " + a progressive number (ex: "Test Number 001", "Test Number 002",..., "Test Number N") and we want to retrieve all of them. As we did in the previous example we:

1. Create TDFilter object of the TestFactory

set objTestFilter = TDConnection.TestFactory.Filter


2. Set the Filter

objTestFilter.Filter("TS_NAME") = "Test*Number*"


objTestFilter.Filter("TS_NAME") = """Test Number*"""


Note: To set a filter based on the name when there are space chars insert the "*" char instead of intermediate spaces or put the string between quote.


3. Estrazione della lista

set objListTest = objTestFilter.NewList


Now you get the list of all Test whose names start with "Test Number*".