It grows nearly for a case this need, from an HP Forum thread and with the request of collaboration send me from Prof. John Scarpino. This allow me to develop, at this date (July 2013), an implemetation on Calc (the OpenOffice SpreadSheet) to allow users to do Test and Requirements Import into Quality Center.
How it has been thinking and how it works
First problem to solve was to understand how OpenOffice Basic code works. Some instrunction are different from vbscript, for instance "set" key must not be used.
It seems that I can hook OTA... wow... so let me understand how to manage Calc objects such as workbook, sheet (spreadsheet), the cell...
Once I understood how to work with them I try to think how excel addin works and I've done a different thing.
The tool constists of 2 parts:
The sequence must be done in this manner to import data correctly.
Mapping consider the fields that must be excluded that are indicated into global Constants defined at the begining of the code. When the tool runs it shows a form to choose which are the fields to consider from a list of available fields. You can also save this mapping and call themfor next import
The Data Validation is done on all those rows that has some data analyzing each row from the 1st valid to the last valid column. For this version, you don't have to select the area to import.
As some OTA methods seems NOT to work such as NodeByIDof TreeManager object and some properties such as TS_SUBJECTI had to use external scripts call from the Basic code. Infact the tool consists also of 3 external vbs file.
Here it is the .zip file consists on all the tool.
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